


As time goes, women are playing increasingly important roles compared to before. In another meaning, the status of women, with the contribution of their roles, signifies the extent of a country’s development.  Women’s contributions have close relationships with countries’ developments.  If a person looks around the world, he (she) will find that these countries, where women have high level social-economic status, will be developed countries; otherwise, countries without women’s input are developing countries. Today, women are playing some irreplaceable roles in progressive societies, and their contributions are demonstrated in many aspects in societies, especially in politics, economics, and culture.
Contrary to this opinion, people, in a few developing countries, have completely different opinions. They think women should stay in homes to take care their kids.  They do not need any educations and any works; otherwise, it is not good for families and societies.  This opinion is very absurd and ridiculous; however, it is still is popular in a lot of areas in the world.  Today, it is globalization time; women’s contributions to societies are recognized by more and more people.
Women have made great contributions to countries politics. Nowadays, there are a lot of popular women politics stars in the world.  They lead their countries to develop, and promote societies to progress.  At same time, they also play important role as models to verify that women have same intelligence and abilities as men.  Their successes, like a light tower, are encouraging global women to progress.  In democratically countries, women have the same power as men to decide countries’ leaders. “In USA, there have been more than 10 women Senators since the election of Anne Martin in Nevada in 1918” (Florence 344).  Nowadays, they must lose the election if any candidates ignore women powers; also countries’ leaders will lose their powers if they do not respond to appeals from women.  In fact, it is very easy for people to identify that women politics powers are making countries to progress.
Today, people are not surprised when they hear a new that women are global companies’ CEOs.  Indeed, more and more people confess that women perform excellently in economic activities.  “As of 1996, there were nearly 8 million women-owned business in US; nearly 900,000 in Canada” (Jones 11).  In one side, in developed countries, it has already been common phenomenon for wives make more money than their husband.  Today, women can do a lot of professional jobs, such as: doctors in hospitals, teachers in colleges, and engineers in global companies.  These work women not only make contributions to companies, but also make contributions to their families. Because of their contributions, families’ economic situations can get improvements.  In other side, in those developing countries, where the governments and communities prohibit women to get any education and work.  It is an important factor which results in those countries’ economic backward.  Due to economical depending on their husbands, women lose their social and families statues in those developing countries.  Facing these situations, people have to confess that women contributions have closely relationships with countries’ progress.
Finally, women have made contributions to the culture.  In Canada, United States, and these democratic countries, people can enjoy rich and colorful culture programs. Women can be sport stars, movies stars, writers.  They make modern societies more pleasurable.  When people are watching TV, and seeing movies to enjoy their lives, they have to praise women’s contributions to culture.  Contrast to this, in those developing countries else, women do not have opportunities to participate in these fields.  Therefore, people do not have any colorful and rich culture programs to enjoy over there.
In conclusion, women have made contributions to politics, economic, and culture.  As the time goes, women will play more important role to social progress.  A country disregard women’s role, the country will pay out expensive cost.  Nowadays, women’s contributions are a disputable fact.  It is time for those countries to liberate their women in order that women have opportunities to make contributions to societies.  It is not just for countries’ development, but also for their daughters and granddaughters to have wonderful lives.

Works Cited

Bird Florence, . The Status of Women in Canada. 1st. Ottawa: 2001. 344. Print.
David Jones, . Women Make Great Entrepreneurs. 1st. Ottawa: 2003. 11. Print.

